Domestic Flights Indonesia
There are only four carriers catering for Domestic Flights Indonesia to Bandung destination from a number of our big main cities with even fewer airways providing services from Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. Apparently Bandung Travel has caught the interest not only local tourists but foreigners as well in quite significant figures.
There are daily international flights to Bandung by Air Asia from Kuala Lumpur as well as Singapore and by Merpati Nusantara Airlines from Singapore to Bandung. Air Asia serves such International Flights twice daily from Malaysia and 4 flights weekly from Singapore.
However Air Asia has recently unveiled their plan to upgrade the existing aircrafts with the 64.5-tonne Airbus 320 new fleet, but need to be postponed as Husein Sastranegara as Bandung’s own International Airport has less runway capacity for the Airbus. The upgrade is important for the carrier to keep its presence with larger passengers carrying fleet. Hence it would not be a surprise for Air Asia considering pulling out from Bandung had it not upgrade its runway by this end of the year.
Apart of its Gedung Sate landmark Bandung posses a unique attractive charm, the cool breeze air and shopping activities are amongst other its valuable assets. Despite of its persistent long traffic jam within the city as well as the main road that goes to Bandung from Jakarta, people are kept flocking in regardless.
It is fortunate indeed to have Domestic Flights Indonesia to Bandung for those who like to avoid the headache of busy and punishing Cipularang Toll road. Though the city is such a magnet to tourists it is imperative for the appropriate authorities making an extra effort for better and sustaining improvement in order to reap the benefit of those potential revenues.
The existing Bandung Trendy Lifestyle environment needs to be persistently maintained for the future attractions, if not for those necessary home work which is needed for actual improvements today.
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