Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Bandung Travel

Traveling to Bandung is not a popular destiny for international tourists, but it does not mean it has less cultural art attraction compare to other popular cities in Indonesia. Though it may not outrank the most popular places in terms of national heritages and cultural art richness such Bali and Yogya could have offers, Bandung Travel has its own charming way in particular to seduce the highly strained Jakartans.

A very distinctive heritage to Bandung the West Java capital city is its traditional bamboo music instrument known as Angklung. There was an archaeological artifact suggesting this instrument to be originated from West Java area as early as the year 1031, in effect strengthening Angklung as a genuine article of Indonesia’s own intangible heritage.

UNESCO will verify the claim and the role of the music instrument in sustaining local culture following both Puppet and Keris or Indonesian version of dagger as a unique distinctive world heritage assets. Wayang Puppet was proclaimed by UNESCO as a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity in 2003, subsequently action plan is underway to encourage its cultural preservation to the next young generations.

The Indonesian Keris received similar distinction within two years later in 2005. And hopefully Batik will also get such world heritage distinction as well in this coming September 2009.

Despite of this fascinating instruments of angklung and even watching its live performances would be an invaluable educational activities for kids, the most sought after leisure activities on travelling to Bandung are culinary and shopping attractions. (By sheer coincidence two hours ago there was earthquake in the magnitude of 7.3 Richter scale originating 35Kms beneath the surface of Southern Bandung. The tremor was felt very strongly by the Jakartan, and most high building inhabitant were found scattering in fear)

The Jakartan has long adapted to its hectic lifestyle a regular Bandung travel whenever any holiday opportunity arises as one of the most popular choices for their Leisure Activities.


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