Friday, 13 March 2009

StyleExcerpts from

A hot trend style in one country may not be uniformed across its regional, and so does its trendy style from a continent to another. What gives such diversity? One region could have a four seasons, regions which are located beyond equator belt. Where as within the belt at the mid section of globe have only two seasons, the so called tropical paradise area. The climate on this earthly paradise does not require anyone to wear a fur coat nor long john.

Then there is a differing perceived values on modesty, on one area across the globe a bikini is an acceptable wear norm. Not so in most Asian and even Middle East regions. Certainly there are more categories to consider as well, say; gender, ages, middle class people compare to other society level of income and so on.

Though on certain cases some may share similarity for example the high class people all over the world are either driving Lexus, or S class Benz or even Rolls-Royce. And a sport car of the choices hidden in the garage that could be a Porsche or a Ferrari. Other similar trend also prevails on gadgetry, Playstation, PDA, Laptop, T-shirt, watches. Are they? Lets look into below rss feed to dwell further:

When a trendy customers goods hit one area the chances of getting spread over the globe is virtually impossible to avoid, people quickly race-by making the purchase to emulate the new style adoption.

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